OrganDesigner Screenshot Index

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Creating a new organ from a SoundFont file. New Organ dialog (preview)
Initially, all stops are located in the first division. Here some are selected so they can be moved from Pedal to Great. Main Window 1 (preview)
Next, select some stops to move to the Swell Division. Main Window 2 (preview)
After moving stops to Swell and deleting unwanted stops. Main Window 3 (preview)
The Edit Organ dialog. Edit Organ dialog (preview)
The Division Editor. Edit Divisions dialog (preview)
The Edit Stops dialog. Edit Stops dialog (preview)
The Edit Stops dialog over the main window. Edit Stops dialog (preview)
The Coupler Editor. Edit Couplers dialog 1 (preview)
The Coupler Editor over the main window Edit Couplers dialog (preview)
The Piston Editor. Piston Editor (preview)
Display of accented and umlauted characters Latin Characters (preview) Logo